how many people blocked me on twitter

How Many People Blocked Me on Twitter

If you’re wondering how many people have blocked you on Twitter, you’re in luck. I’ve been keeping track, and as of today, the number is… drumroll please… zero! That’s right, not a single soul has blocked me on the social networking site.

Why? Well, it could be because I’m just that loveable. Or maybe it’s because I don’t tweet all that much.

How many people have blocked me on Twitter?

Unfortunately, Twitter does not currently offer a way to see how many people have blocked you. However, there are some workarounds that can give you an approximation.

One method is to create a new account and try to follow all the people who follow you on your main account. If you get a message saying that you can’t follow someone because they’ve blocked you, then you know they’ve blocked you on your main account.

Another method is to use a third-party Twitter blocking tracker, like Blocked On Twitter. This site will show you how many people have recently blocked you, as well as how many people have recently been blocked by someone else.

Regardless of which method you choose, keep in mind that it’s possible for someone to block you on Twitter without your knowledge. So while these methods can give you a general idea of how many people have blocked you, it’s ultimately impossible to know for sure.

How can I tell if someone has blocked me on Twitter?

If you think someone has blocked you on Twitter, there are a few ways to confirm this. First, try searching for the person’s handle in Twitter’s search bar. If you can’t find their profile, that’s a sign that they may have blocked you.

Another way to tell if you’ve been blocked is to look at your follower count. If you see that the number has decreased by one and you can’t find the person’s profile when you search for them, it’s likely that they’ve blocked you. And If you’re still not sure, try sending the person a direct message. If you can’t send them a message, it means that they’ve definitely blocked you.

How do I get a list of people who have blocked me on Twitter?

You may be wondering how many people have blocked you on Twitter. The answer is: there’s no way to know for sure. While Twitter does not provide a way to see a list of people who have blocked you, there are some workarounds you can try.

One option is to search for a person you think may have blocked you and see if their profile comes up in the search results. If their profile does not appear, they may have blocked you.

Another option is to look at your follower count. If you notice that your follower count suddenly decreases without any explanation, it’s possible that some of your followers have blocked you.

If you’re still curious about how many people have blocked you on Twitter, you can try reaching out to Twitter support for more information.

Can you mass block on Twitter?

It is not possible to mass block on Twitter. If you want to block multiple people at once, you will need to do so manually, one account at a time.

How to see blocked accounts on Twitter?

To see a list of accounts you’ve blocked on Twitter:

  • Log in to your account on
  • Go to your settings by clicking on the Profile and settings icon in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Under Account, select Blocked accounts.
  • A list of accounts you’ve blocked will appear.

What happens when someone blocks you on Twitter?

When someone blocks you on Twitter, they will no longer be able to see your tweets or interact with you in any way. Your tweets will no longer appear in their timeline and they will not be able to follow you or see your profile picture. In addition, any direct messages you try to send to the person who blocked you will not be delivered.

How to see Tweets of accounts that have blocked you?

It is not possible to see Tweets of accounts that have blocked you. When someone blocks you on Twitter, they will not be able to see your profile or Tweets. Additionally, people who are logged in as the blocked account will not be able to find your profile, website, or Twitter content.

Can I see who has blocked me on Twitter?

Unfortunately, Twitter does not currently offer a way to see who has blocked you. However, there are some workaround methods that can give you a pretty good idea of who has blocked you.

One method is to create a new account and try to follow the people who you think may have blocked you. If they have indeed blocked you, you will not be able to follow them.

Another method is to search for a particular tweet from someone who you think may have blocked you and try to retweet it. If you are unable to retweet it, that means they have either deleted the tweet or they have blocked you.

If you suspect that someone has blocked you on Twitter, the best thing to do is reach out to them directly and ask if that is the case.

How do I block someone on Twitter?

If you block someone, they can no longer see your tweets or interact with you on Twitter. All of their replies and mentions will be hidden from your view. You can also choose to block specific keywords from appearing in your timeline. If you want to see tweets from someone without following them, try adding that person to a list.

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